Change Today....
.....Change Tomorrow

Health and Education are the basic human rights. Regardless of all the efforts in development made in Nepal over the last several decades, the majority of the lives still remain below the satisfactory level leaving vulnerable in a poor state. In the past, irrational distribution of resources, power and their mismanagement grossly marginalized most of the population, making people unable to meet their health as well as educational needs. Because of this, the health and educational status of people have been reflected not only in poor indicators but also the wide gap that these indicators show among the poor and vulnerable population.


Planner, policy makers, educationalist and health as well as development workers have been facing with ample challenges in meeting people’s expectations. A clear vision of development has become a prerequisite to initiate planning and action to move in the right direction. Visibly, it is unrealistic to expect everything from government. Each and every citizen must be united and support government to achieve it goal of healthy and prosperous Nepali. Civil Society organization should play vital role to develop the country and bring transformation for new Nepal. Realizing these facts, the experienced and professional individuals from different arena united and developed a social organization in 2065 BS namely, Nepal Public Health and Education Group to share their knowledge, skill with communities for sustainable development


Nepal Public Health and Education Group (NEPHEG) is a non-government, non-political, non-profit organization dedicated to create the positive and sustainable social transformation in the country. NEPHEG is registered in the District Administrative Office (Regd. No. 73/ 2065), Kathmandu, Nepal. It is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council (SWC – affiliation No. 25562)


NEPHEG is involved and specialized in the area of nutrition since it has been long associated     with all the national nutrition program and benefitted different marginalized community through Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)/Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM), Nutrition in Emergency (NiE), Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP), Community based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness CB-IMCI), Community Based-New born Care Package (CB-NCP) and other nutrition programs. NEPHEG has built good professional relation and network with federal as well as provincial and local level to run the nutrition program in a different targeted area. Additionally, it has trained more than 10,000 Health Workers and Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) on health and nutrition and benefitted the underprivileged community people of the program targeted area. The organization has a team of proven experienced manpower in the area of health and nutrition programs, former government employees and technical experts. Likewise, It has been involved in humanitarian nutrition assistance program like mega earthquake and flood emergencies. It has worked in different development emergency nutrition programs in generous financial and technical support of World Food Program (WFP), UNICEF, government of Nepal.

Our Organization's Structure

NEPHEG’s Executive Committee under the General Assembly at the top of the organization, provides policy direction and guidance to the management for the effective operation of the programs and projects. It is elected every TWO years from among the members of the organization. The chairperson leads the central management committee, and is responsible for making decisions regarding the policies, planning, objectives and strategies of the organization. The chairperson works in co-operation with the central management committee. Based on the organizational guidelines, the central management committee prioritizes issues and concerns, develops programs and projects accordingly and supervises/monitors the implementation. The other function of the central management committee is to lead the day-to-day functioning of the organization.
The Executive Committee is the main policy making body of the organization. However, it has limitations also. Therefore, some of the decisions of the organization have to be approved by the Annual General Body Meeting, so NEPHEG basically consists of a General Assembly of the general members and operate largely on voluntary basis. The General Assembly has an important role in guiding the NEPHEG in right direction.