The project titled “Nutrition Assistance (Emergency-Earthquake): Nutrition Response” was carried out in Sindhuli district with UNICEF, Nepal Country Office, as the client. The lead firm provided services with a value of Rs. 11,109,200.00, funded by UNICEF. The consultancy assignment spanned two fiscal years, FY 2071/072 and FY 2072/073, starting on January 31, 2072, and concluding on April 22, 2072.
The project’s primary aim was to provide technical support to the District Health Office (DHO) in Sindhuli for various nutrition-related activities in response to the earthquake emergency. These activities included conducting nutrition program orientation for DHO and staff, implementing Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) training for healthcare facility staff in highly and mildly affected areas, counseling sessions for mothers’ groups, lactating and pregnant women, follow-up on Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) cases by Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), support for establishing WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) corners at health facilities, coordination with the WASH cluster for regular drinking water supply and building toilets at health facilities with OTP (Outpatient Therapeutic Program) and TSF (Targeted Supplementary Feeding), program monitoring at health facility and community levels, supply and sub-district level transportation, re-nutrition assessment of children aged 6-59 months after two months, media mobilization, and conducting a review of the emergency response program at the district level.
The services provided by the lead firm included the successful execution of all the aforementioned activities, ensuring effective coordination, monitoring, and support for nutrition assistance in response to the earthquake emergency in Sindhuli district.