Targeted / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme for Siraha/Saptari/Sunsari district 3 Phases

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The project titled “Targeted / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme” was implemented in Siraha, Saptari, and Sunsari districts with the World Food Programme (WFP), Nepal Country Office, as the client. The lead firm provided services valued at Rs. 4,95,00,000/-, funded by WFP Nepal. The consultancy assignment took place in the fiscal year FY 2074/075, commencing in October 2017 and concluding in June 2018.

The primary objective of the project was to provide technical support to the District Health Offices (DHOs) in Siraha, Saptari, and Sunsari for the implementation of a Targeted / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme. The scope of activities included conducting nutrition program orientation for DHO and staff, orientation for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), District Training of Trainers (DTOT), health worker (HW) level training and review meetings, Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) level training and review meetings, raising awareness on handwashing, latrine use, and safe water handling, counseling sessions for mothers’ groups, lactating and pregnant women, management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) cases with follow-up by FCHVs, program monitoring at health facility and community levels, supply and sub-district level transportation, re-nutrition assessment of children aged 6-59 months after two months, media mobilization, establishment of MAM Centers, formation of VDCs (Village Development Committees) Level Food Security Committees, review and handover of the program at the district level, and nutritional food distribution for targeted mothers and children below 5 years of age.

The lead firm successfully executed these activities, providing technical support for the Targeted / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme in Siraha, Saptari, and Sunsari districts, in collaboration with WFP Nepal and other stakeholders.